Let the Tears Begin
So today was my last day of classes at OBU and I have to say I'm honestly not sure how I feel about that. I only had two classes today and my actual last class was one of my top two favorite classes from my entire time at OBU. During Hermeneutics, Dr. Kelly began to teach about Revelation and the way in which we should read apocalyptic literature. He closed class in praying a blessing over us and at that point the tears began coming. Thankfully, I did not lose it completely in class, but immediately after class Dani moved out and went home.
Today has been a day in which I honestly do not know what to think of. It seemed to be the first real time in which I've realized that my time at OBU is drawing to an end. To make life even more confusing, I received my acceptance letter to Southeastern today. As one chapter of my life continues to wind down another is just around the corner.
I hope and pray that the Lord continues to walk with me a little closer and hold my hand a little tighter as this next week approaches. I'm so thankful for His grace in everything so far.
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