She Reads Truth

For many many years I have tried different plans to read the Bible in a year.  I always start really well and then after about a month or so I stop.  As terrible as it sounds, this is the first year that I have made it past three months.  It is not easy but I am so glad that I am doing this.  I do not for a second believe that simply reading the Bible in a year should be the only Bible study you do.  I think this is a great addition to a persons current Bible study plan.  

I have been using the She Reads Truth plan.  There are many many plans on how to read the Bible in a year.  This is just the one that I chose and the one that has stuck.  There is a print out guide and you can also follow the plan on their app.  Each day they have you read a little from the Old Testament and a little from the New Testament.  Each Sunday you read a few Psalms.  

I encourage you to get in the Word every day.  I am thankful to have a copy of God's Word and to be able to read it.  

What Bible study plans and Bible in a Year plans have you used?


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