Making the Most of My Time

Time.  Time is so hard to make the most of.  There are so many things to do and so little time to complete those things.  It is safe to say that most of us make time for the things we want to do and struggle with allocating time for other things.  I know there is a lot of time in my day that is wasted because I'm not focused on spending my time wisely.  I'm sure many of you can relate.  

Many of us think that once we go to work and take care of our required commitments that there is little time for anything else.  I saw a statistic that said the average American between the ages of 25 and 34 watches 27 hours and 36 minutes of TV in a week.  That is mind boggling to me and then I think about the amount of TV I watch and it doesn't seem so far fetched. 

I have been very convicted of how I spend my time lately.  It seems like my Saturdays are filled with picking up around my house.  If I spent more of an effort of picking up here and there during the week, perhaps I would be able to better enjoy my weekends.  

I read an article on the Women's Life Blog at SEBTS yesterday and really liked the tips offered on how to better stay organized.  Tara offers some great advice that I think we could all benefit from.  I think if we just took a couple of the tips she mentions we all might have a little more time in our lives to work with and maybe less gray hairs. I loved what she said about creating routines and allowing certain tasks to be done on certain days throughout the week.  

Now is the time to be organized and diligent in making the most of our time and not letting time be a stress in our life. 


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