Workin It Wednesday on a Monday
Today is Workin' It Wednesday with Erika and Shay. This post was originally supposed to be back on March 8th but was rescheduled for today.
Today is all about balancing work and home life.
This one is a constant work in progress for me. I work full time outside of the home and then come home and chase around an almost 16 month old. Life is crazy for us. I also blog and I'm a consultant with Rodan + Fields.
I've learned a few things that work for me to keep my life balanced. The biggest tip is to get up early. It does not always happen at my house but I've noticed when I get up at 4:30 or by 5, that my day plays out much better.
I also make sure that I'm ready for the day before I wake up Carson. This makes my life 100% better in the mornings.
We meal plan at our house. I tend to meal plan on Wednesday and then shop on Friday for the upcoming week. It is almost 6 by the time we get home each day, so we have limited time with Carson before he goes to bed so we try to make the most of our time with him each night. Having our meals planned out saves precious time for us in the evenings.
I try to work on my Rodan + Fields work during my lunch breaks so that I'm not bringing work home at night. Greg and I also go to the gym at different times and we try to go when Carson is asleep.
The biggest thing that I do is I'm up by 6am on Saturdays. I know that gives me two hours almost before the boys get up to start laundry and any other Saturday projects I have planned.
I use my Erin Condren planner to keep up with my day to day plans. Greg and I also have a shared calendar on our iPhones so we can always see what the other one has going on.
We do not have it all figured out, but we are slowing figuring out what works and what doesn't for us.
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