Say Hello to Rodan and Fields
So many of my friends tell me all of the time how much they love summer. Most people love going to the pool, the beach, being outside. Well, that is not me. It never has been. I would much rather stay inside. It is no secret that I don't like bugs, I don't like to get dirty, and I have never mowed in my life but a big reason why I never enjoyed being outside in the summer is because I had no desire to look like I was a cherry.
My skin is about as white as white can be. I burn easily and it is miserable. My solution for so many years has been to avoid the sun. I would soon stay inside. Well, last November that all changed. I have this little person who lives in my house now who LOVES to be outside. If I want to spend time with this cute little dude who calls me Mama, I needed to find a way to make that happen. This past summer I texted my friend Jaime and said I wanted to try their Rodan & Fields Sunscreen. All of the ones that I used in the past just didn't' work for me. I'm not saying they didn't work, I'm saying they didn't work for me. They made me feel nasty when I put them on.
I fell in love with the Rodan & Fields Sunscreen. It went on easy and I didn't feel like I just took an oily bath in sunscreen. It was wonderful.
I am so excited to now partner with Rodan & Fields. Let me be the first one to tell you that skincare has never been my thing. I don't wake up and think yay let me wash my face. I do get excited about products that work and especially for products that work for my entire family. We have seen the difference that these products have made in our family and I would love to share them with you.
Feel free to learn more here. If you are unsure about what regimen would work best for you click here.
If you are local and want to come to one of my two launch parties let me know. I'm having one on Thursday, October 13th and one on Monday, November 7th.
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