Friday Favorites: Merry Christmas!

We are only 2 days away people.  Most of us are in Christmas Vacation mode by now and ready to have a great weekend.  It's time for some Friday Favorites first with Andrea, Erika and Narci.


I love Jimmy Fallon and this video puts me in the holiday mood.

Dirty Santa gift exchanges are always a so fun.  A friend from church has been making these and it is one funny white elephant gift.

I have been looking for a nativity set for my house for a very long time.  I love the Willow Tree set.  Last night, I found this set on Amazon and it was almost half off!  Thanks to Amazon Prime it will be here on Saturday.

I left work early yesterday and went to celebrate Christmas with the buddy at daycare.  They all read the Christmas story from Luke 2 and ended their party with milk and cookies.  I think someone is a big fan of cookies.  He also likes wearing pajamas to daycare.

Someone also brought home his first Christmas craft.  This favorite is already on the Christmas tree.

We are happy to be on Christmas break.  Bring on the pajamas, Christmas movies all day and lots of fun baking.  Time with this little guy is my favorite!

Merry Christmas Everyone!


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