Carson the Buddy

Today seemed like a good day to give an update on the buddy.  We are a little over 3 months away from having a three year old in our house.  I can't believe it.  He is growing so fast.

Carson is just over three foot tall and weighs about 31 pounds.  He is all boy all the time.  The only time he stops is when he sleeps.  

His vocabulary is changing daily as he learns new words, expressions and phrases.  He has been working on his colors in Spanish these last few weeks.  

He is doing much better at potty training.  This has been a process for us.  Most of his friends at daycare caught on quickly but not Carson.  Carson is analytical.  He had to understand the why before he was willing to try.  

He loves helping me in the kitchen and his favorite is licking the beater when we make cookies.  

I'm pretty sure if he was deserted on an island and could only have his cars and listen to the Sing soundtrack or Phil Wickham he would be perfectly happy.  If we threw in some granola bars, he would be all set.  

We love this kid so much and can't believe we get to be the ones to raise him.  We love you buddy.

Linked up with Lindsay today.


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