
There is something about the month of January that causes me to reflect.  I always look forward to January to think about ways in which I can change and be more intentional in my day to day life.  I have several friends who make New Years resolutions and others who chose a word for the year.  I tend to shy away from those things.  I don't think they are ineffective, I just think for the way in which I'm wired they are not effective for me.  

It is no secret to anyone who knows me that I'm a goal/task oriented  person.  I am not a risk taker, everything I do is calculated.  I don't do new things or try things unless I have spent hours thinking through the all of the outcomes.  That is probably why the You Jump, I Jump, Jack episode of Gilmore Girls is one of my favorites.  That scene gets me every time.  I know that I would never do that but there is something so intriguing about it to me.  

At the age of 30, it is all starting to make sense to me.  It's about balance.  No, I don't plan to jump from a high point holding an umbrella, climb Mt. Everest, do something crazy but I do plan to try and be a little spontaneous and live in the moment for a change.  

I want my 3 year old to see someone who doesn't live in fear of the unknown but who is willing to try new things and is willing to admit that sometimes we aren't able to see all of the outcomes.  

One day at a time friends or maybe even one minute at a time.


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