So Long 20s

As of today, we have a 30 year old in our house.  No, it is not me.  

Happy Birthday Greg!  

Did you know that you share a birthday with Teddy Roosevelt?  

Here is what happened on October 27, 1985...
Billy martin was fired by the Yankees for the 4th time.  
Hurricane Juan ravaged the US gulf states and east coast.
The Royals defeated the Cardinals in the 82nd World Series.  

Here is what I know about the boy born on October 27, 1985
You decided to make his appearance early, a few weeks early in fact.
You love all things weather related.  That probably explains why you came early.  I mean there was an earthquake in New York and someone was curious over what happened.
You love music.  You can turn almost anything into a drum.  A couch, a steering wheel, a table, your leg, and the list goes on.  
You are independent, you are serious, you are focused.  
You love your family and you are beside yourself waiting to meet your son.  
You love your job and continue to set goals for youself in the workplace.
You have grown to love teaching more than either one of us thought would ever happen.  Not to mention that you love the middle school students that we get to be with on a weekly basis.  
You challenge everyone around you to strive for excellence in all things.  
You are a leader.  You lead in your example and in how you serve.  

Happy Birthday to my favorite guy!  I know 30 is going to be the best yet for you.  Thanks for letting me be a part of it.  


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