Out With The Old and In With The New

I'm still not sure how it is already 2017.  It is true that time seems to go by faster as you get older.  Carson enjoyed our after Christmas trip to Arkansas but we were ready to be home for many reasons.  We missed Daddy a bunch and we were ready for our routine.  One ear infection later and we are back in the day to day routine.

There is something beautiful about a fresh start.  I love to see the change of seasons, the change of a month, but the change of a new year is one of the best.  I like to stop and think.  For me the new year is not about resolutions but improvement and focus.  It is important to evaluate and to make changes.  

Here is where I plan to start in 2017...


I want this year to be defined by focus.  I want to focus in on the details better, focus on my family and focus on an overall well being.  If we can all focus on being healthy, spending time with family and focusing on what we are working on at the moment, it will be a pretty great 2017. 


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