18 Months of Carson

Monday marked 18 months with Carson the Buddy.  Time sure flies when you are having fun.

He is growing so fast and his personality keeps us on our toes.  

Carson is two things.  Loud and fast.  We would not have it any other way.  We go to bed shortly after him each day because we are exhausted.  He is our favorite.

He weighs just over 26 pounds and is just short of 3 feet tall. 

His vocabulary is growing each day.  He loves to be outside and he loves the water.  He is starting swim lessons in June.  We are excited about that.  

He has sweet friends at church and at daycare.  He is so sweet to everyone.  He gives the best hugs, kisses and high fives.  

We love you buddy!
Baby Carson
6 Month Old Carson
1 Year Old Carson
Carson the 18 Month Old


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