What's Up Wednesday: May

Happy Wednesday everyone!  I'm linking up with Mel, Shay and Sheaffer today for What's Up Wednesday.  Grab the graphics below and join in on the fun.  
On the last Wednesday of the month we answer these questions and one bonus question.
Here we go...

What We're Eating This Week...
Monday we had Chicken Tacos with friends
Tuesday we went to Chili's with our new small group leaders
Wednesday: We are eating out before a middle school softball game
Thursday: Chicken & Broccoli Shells 
Friday: Spaghetti & Meatballs

What I'm Reminiscing About...
This Sunday is promotion Sunday at church.  I always get a little emotional when we lose our 8th grade students to high school.  We have had some of them since they were in 6th grade.  Time goes by so fast.  

What I'm Loving...
Carson is learning new words on a daily basis it seems.  He is so much fun and we are loving watching him learn new things each day.

What We've Been Up To...
Our weekend recap is here.  We are ready for the pool days to continue.

What I'm Dreading...
The heat.  I don't like it.  I like it to be warm but when it starts getting close to high 90s and 100s, I am not a fan.  

What I'm Working On...
I submitted a bulk order on Monday for Rodan + Fields and I'm happy to say that I have hit Executive Consultant.  Some people hit it earlier, but I'm just so happy to know that working hard pays off.  If you have wanted to learn more, I'm happy to answer any questions you have.

What I'm Excited About...
Summer is basically here.  We love to grill, play out in the water and enjoy all of the family time.

What I'm Watching/Reading...
We haven't been watching a lot lately.  When we do have the TV on, it is mostly baseball.  We love baseball in our house.

What I'm Listening To...
I have been seeing a lot of concert posts from the U2 30 year anniversary Joshua Tree tour.  I have been listening to U2 on repeat these last few days.

What I'm Wearing...
Jeans, t-shirts, and lots of sandals.

What I'm Doing This Weekend...
I have my annual eye exam and I'm hoping for a little rest this weekend.  We were so busy this past weekend.  

What I'm Looking Forward to Next Month...
Carson starts his swim lessons next month.  I can't wait to see a bunch of toddlers doing swim lessons.  

What Else is New...
Not too much.  

Bonus Question: Favorite Vacation Spot
We loved when we went to Charleston.


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